Wednesday, January 4, 2012

tHE BOULDEr [a moral story]

A very long time ago, a King had a boulder (a very big rock)
placed on a roadway. Then he
hid himself somewhere around and watched to see
if anyone would remove the
huge rock from the roadway. Some of the king's
wealthiest merchants and
courtiers came by, they saw the huge rock and simply did nothing else than to
walk around it. Many of them even loudly
blamed the king for not keeping
the roads clear, but none of them made a single attempt to
the stone out of the way.
Again, some of the chiefs of the village passed by, saw the rock, made no attempt to remove it but instead, walked away.
Not long, a
poor peasant came along carrying a
load of vegetables. When he
approached the rock, he laid down his burden
and tried to move the stone from the middle of the road to
A side of the road. After much
pushing and straining, he finally
succeeded. After rolling away the rock, the peasant
picked up his load of vegetables and was about to go, when,
he noticed a purse lying in the
road where the rock had
been. The purse contained so many
gold coins enough to make one rich for a lifetime and a note from the
king stating that the gold
was for the person who
removed the boulder from the
roadway. He had become rich!

The poor peasant farmer learned
what many of us never
understand. Every obstacle
presents an opportunity to
improve our condition.

mORAL LESSOn:Always do your best to render the little service you can even when nobody is around. There is always a reward for every good work you do

This story was submitted by ayCODED

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